NYC “Not Your Mother’s Rules” 2-hour-plus CD and DVD are available now!
It’s $60 for CD and $90 for DVD plus shipping.
Or order both for only $125 plus shipping ($10 US and $15 overseas).
Find out: how and why The Rules got started and became a bestseller, why “playing hard to get” works best with men, new rules for texting/sexting/Facebook/Skype, why it’s OK to ignore non-date-related texts, how 10 top dating coaches got married and other success stories, celebrity relationships, dating after a breakup or divorce, marriage rules, celebrity relationships, makeovers, Q&A, and much more! Reviews: “Amazing!”, “Inspiring!”, “A shot in the arm!” , “If you can read only one book, this is the book!” E-mail us at to place your order by credit card or Paypal today!

Certified Rules Dating and Relationship Coaches completed training through a 12-week course with Ellen and Sherrie and have been thoroughly tested on their Rules knowledge. They are all over the world and they are ready to help you! Please contact the coach of your choice regarding appointments and payment. When writing to Rules coaches, be sure to put “The Rules Book” in the subject of your e-mail, otherwise it may be deleted. Also, contact coach Edna M. about her fabulous Rules phone meetings: (646) 418-5507 or


(rates are at the discretion of individual coaches)

Do you know someone who would benefit from our Dating and Relationship Coach course or Rules School course? Receive a free 30-minute phone consultation ($250 value) with Ellen and Sherrie when she signs up! Be sure she lists you as a referral in our sign-up form.


Maya E., Miami Beach, FL
Mother, divorced, dating available daytime, nighttime, weekends (support groups)

“The Rules have helped me get my life back, not just in the romance department, but all around, by reminding me that I’m a CUAO and by providing guidelines for living in a happy, easy-going state of mind. I love The Rules! They work! Looking forward to working with you.”

Karenna Alexander, Connecticut and New York City
Certified Rules dating/relationship coach, former matchmaker/advice columnist

Consults are available by phone, email, text, FB PM, FT, Skype, and in-person anytime.
Facebook: KarennaalexanderLLC
Twitter: @coachkarenna
Phone: 203-680-0347
“The Rules books are life-changing! The Rules has helped me weed out Mr. Wrongs and see how respecting the differences between men and women can have fabulous payoffs, like electricity, ease, and being adored by the man of your dreams.”

Tania Moran @ Lynda Love Coaching, Central Coast, NSW, Australia 
Dating and Relationship Coach – Happily married thanks to The Rules. 


“My passion is helping women transform their dating experience and marry the man of their dreams. The Rules are not always easy, but they get easier with support and once you start seeing the incredible results!”

Debbie Childs, London UK
A.K.A. Debbie Sedgley Rules Coach
Rules Coaching for Spiritual Women
Certified as a Rules Coach in 2013
Happily Married since 2015
The Rules for Marriage Course, completed, 2019
NLP Master Practitioner (INLPTA) since 2013.

I help women who love all things spiritual Law of Attraction, Manifesting, Manifesting with the Moon, Angels, Oracle and Tarot cards, Feng Shui – understand why “The Rules” (TR) work, help them apply TR, teach them about Universal Laws and combine it all with spiritual practices to help them attract Mr Right!

Email me to enquire or book:
Consults via video call and phone only.
Instagram: @debbiesedgleyrulescoach @debbiechilds333

Paula Grooms, NY, New York

Married, Social Worker, Host of the Make Him Wonder Podcast and Author of Why Won’t He Commit? : How a Man Decides to Make You “The One.”

Make Him Wonder is real coaching conversations I have with women about their love life. Go to the link above to be a guest and we’ll have an in-depth talk about your Rules experience. It’s easy, anonymous and free! 

Coach Penny Love, London, England.

Date Like a Goddess Podcast:

“Are you ready to transform your love life and find your very own Mr Rules?
The Rules completely changed my life in so many ways and now I’m here to help you do the same. Imagine capturing the CUAO spirit and mastering The Rules like a Goddess, all while healing from the past traumas that have held you back.
With my expert guidance you can overcome your inner wounds empowering you to attract Mr Rules and the fairytale romantic love you truly desire.
Private and group coaching available.
I speak English and Spanish.
Life changing results guaranteed. Contact me today! ”

Heidi, engaged.


“The Rules are about teaching women their worth.  The principles and practices gave me concrete tools to ‘inspire’ my man to love me the way I wanted and to ultimately propose. “ 

Emily L, Cypress, CA, Network Quality Engineer, dating.

“I had always been a woman who strives for career success, but The Rules helped me realize that my heart’s deep burning desire is the vocation to become a wife and a mother. I have never felt more liberated, thanks to Sherrie and Ellen

Bree Parker, Madison, WI Expert Certified TR Coach.
Email: RelationshipRulesbyBree
Phone: 1-608-574-7931

“I’m married a second time to my soul mate! Both marriages were The Rules! I have two great kids! He has five! I’ll help you: Get engaged/married quickly!, Improve your marriage immensely, with second marriages with kids, Increase your confidence,
Heal from a breakup fast, with makeovers/diet/fashion, Divorce/legal support/advice.”

Belinda Purdum
I was deep in despair about another “situationship” ending. I was begging God for answers. I finally read The Rules, couldn’t stop reading it, and now I’m a Rules Coach. Changed my life!!

Dorothea, Dublin, Ireland
“As a Rules Girl and feminine energy advocate I am here to tell you that The Rules really work! They have helped me navigate my own dating journey and I would have been lost without them. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, I can teach you how to apply “The Rules”, tune into your feminine energy and increase your chances of Happily Ever After with your Mr Right. I provide coaching in English and Polish. Looking forward to working with you!”

Nadia Joy, London, UK
Instagram: @nadiajoydating
Twitter: @nadiajoydating
“I’m a Rules Dating Coach and my aim/passion is to help women see who they truly are as a whole…wife, mother, daughter, worker, boss, etc.  The Rules gives you the confidence to be all that you can be without sacrificing your femininity..learning from your strengths AND weaknesses and using both to your advantage.  Yes, my focus is on getting you quality dates, finding Mr Right and getting the Ring, but it’s more than that, it’s about learning the life skills needed for a positive, whole, happy life and relationship!” 

Kate Spencer, Happily Married to Mr (Rules) Right, South East England
BSc Psychology. Feminine Feminist. Lucy Stoner. Career Girl.
In this era of information overload and conflicting advice concerning dating, “The Rules” book was a guiding beacon of light. In TR, a ‘Rules Girl’ regains the confidence, natural charm and poise she was born with. I will help you navigate dating while staying authentic to your style and personality.

Ashley Phillips, PhD, Oregon, United States
“The Rules are about having healthy boundaries and living an independent life without bending over backwards and wasting time worshipping men. As a feminist, I believe that taking care of yourself first and realizing your goal of a healthy relationship is actually the most empowering way to date! As a woman who has met and married a great man thanks to The Rules, I can tell you that there is nothing more powerful than weeding out all of the Mr. Wrongs and letting go to let Mr. Right come to you. Let’s figure out what is keeping you from putting yourself first, having good boundaries, letting go, and finding your Mr. Right. I am most available evenings (5pm-8pm PST) and weekends. Some availability 9am-11am (EST) and throughout the day, with advanced notice.”

Ashley McPherson, greater Los Angeles area
Fashion Stylist, Dating & Relationship Coach
“Are you ready to delete your dating apps? If you’re single and searching I’ll help you learn the secret dating formula that works like a charm. Stop making mistakes and start finding true love!”

Lucy Kenton, Smithtown, NY, Personal Finance Consultant, Dating Coach.

“The Rules have helped me become a CUAO and date selectively and eventually marry my Mr. Right.”

Vyšší dívčí (School for women), based in Prague (Czech Republic)
Rules dating and relationship coach and makeovers
“Relationships and love have been always my passion and I love helping other women to get the best from their dates and men. The Rules mindset is a life changing experience! Keys of your success. I will help you.” Consultation available by phone, e-mail, Viber, WhatsApp or face to face.
Phone: 00420 733 532 528

Sedaghat Z., Lyon, France, Senior Scientist, Married.
Languages: Persian , French, English.
“The Rules helped me stop having heart-breaking relationships and replace them with a dreamy one with Mr. Right and finally marry him.”

Sonja Hold
Writer, Certified Rules Dating and Relationship Coach

“You can’t be too nice in this world!
If you’re too nice and you want a very strict Rules Coach, you can contact me:”

Liana Katarina, UK
“I am a wife, mother, Rules dating and relationship coach as well as an experienced teacher and educator of 10 years. I can give you a clear, smart way to date that will make you successful in your romantic life. Whether you’re eternally single, damaged by past relationships, divorced with no idea where to start, or a career girl with no time to date, I can help you find and keep Mr Right!”

Daniel Fenster, Florianopolis, Brazil
Married, Rules dating and relationship coach

“To believe in love is important, but to follow The Rules is necessary. This is The Rules from a man’s perspective.”
‘Acreditar no amor é importante, mas seguir As Regras é necessário. Essas são As Regras na visão de um homem.’

Instagram: daniel_fenster_
Available on weekends in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.

Gia Kenyatta, Los Angeles, CA, National and International

English-Speaking Rules Dating Coach, Happily Married Wife
E-mail, Skype/FaceTime, phone consultations, and in-person consultations (always open by appointment day and night).
“The Rules helped my already good marriage be great.  Let me share with you how to happily get to the altar…one man at a time.”

Evelyn Aurora, Certified Rules Coach, New York
IG: EvelynAuroraRulesCoach
Facebook: EvelynAuroraRulesCoach 
“Thanks to The Rules, I completely turned myself and my life around. I believe in explaining the “why” to my clients thoroughly and teaching with compassion and warmth, it helps make the “how” of The Rules much easier to follow! I took several courses and a live consultation with Shellen and I’ve learned lots, with a special focus on confidence, millennial and online dating, dating with religious customs, style and beauty, and much more! I customize my approach based on your preferences and circumstances. I can’t wait to share the light and love of The Rules with you!”

Marlene Velasquez-Sedito, DNP, ARNP, West Palm Beach, Florida
Nurse Practitioner; University Adjunct Professor; Certified The Rules Dating Coach; in a very happy TR marriage. Contact:; (cell) 305-776-7076 (please text me the first time and indicate” The Rules Book”); face-to-face meetings by appointment. “In 1998 a nurse friend of mine saved my life. I was recently divorced and dating and planning to call a man I met… I had his business card in my pocket! She suggested I tear up the card and buy The Rules. My life was transformed from one of subservience to one of empowerment the next day! The Rules not only guided me in the area of how to meet and date men but in improving my self-esteem and boundaries in all areas of my life. If you are a Baby Boomer, Generation X, a Millennial, or a Same-Sex person wanting to date and get married, I can help you apply The Rules and increase your confidence in finding love the right way.”

Guelay Karaabdullahoglu, Germany
Languages: Turkish, German, and English.

Professional Fashion Advisor…I help Rules Girls with Outfits and Makeup! I save you time and energy and write your online profile! Do you need sms help? I will help you answer the first sms exchange and more! Contact me before you break any rules, before it’s too late! I was trained by Ellen Fein & Sherrie Schneider. Available for Consults. Languages: English, Turkish and German 

Emma, the greater Los Angeles area  
Certified Rules Dating & Relationship Coach
Available for consultations in English and Chinese
“TR transformed my life and I’m in a very happy committed relationship. I would love to help you to be so happy in love as well! Love the Rules!!”

Rose Belle
Certified Rules Dating Coach, Engaged!
“Special thanks to Ellen and Sherrie for their extensive training. After graduating from the Rebuilding Your Confidence, Extreme Makeover Inside and Outside, and Rules Dating Coach Courses, I am convinced that TR is the true path to happiness and marrying the man of your dreams.”
Specialize in: Women in their 20’s and 30’s new to TR, Helping you look and feel like a CUAO, Next and Weeding Out Buyer Bewares, Women choosing to save sex until marriage, Loving only those who love you.  Let me help you to become a Rules Success Story!

Maxi Moreno, Spain
Available in English and Spanish
“Anyone can have an ordinary relationship…but The Rules is the only ‘effective’ method to date and marry Mr. Right and have the ‘best’ possible relationship! If you want me to help you get married to the man of your dreams or need some rules insight, contact me!”

Dr. Laurie Steinberg, Manhattan & Great Neck, Long Island
Ph.D., Dating & Relationship Therapist/Life Coach, Clinical Sexologist
Columbia University – Adjunct Assistant Professor of Counseling & Clinical Psychology
Blissfully married, mother. Available 7 days for video chat, in person, telephone, email
(917) 574-0825,
“If you’ve been dating haphazardly or unsuccessfully, I can help you gain the self-confidence so important to finding your soul mate, for true and lasting love. After training with E & S, I have been helping women and gay men realize that they are unique and desirable Creatures Unlike Any Other (CUAOs), +enabling them to connect with wonderful, caring partners and keep their interest going and growing…all the way to ‘I do!’ Let me help you make your dreams a reality!”

Joslyn Smith, New York, NY
Happily married. Certified rules dating, relationship, and marriage coach.
Engaged within a year to an incredible man who on his own planned out our entire wedding!
Let me help you get your Mr. Right too!
Facebook: JoslynSmithRulesCoach

Janice E, IL, greater Chicago/ Milwaukee area
Writer and coach happily remarried
“Tired of endless dating and go-nowhere relationships? I explain HOW and WHY The Rules work so you can build a great relationship and beautiful Rules marriage, as I did. E-mail today for empathetic, in-depth, straight-up advice.”

Elisa Kleefeld, Germany
Certified Rules Dating and Relationship Coach
“Die Effizienz der Regeln ist faszinierend! Ich unterstütze Dich dabei, sie umzusetzen, die Partnersuche mit Würde und Selbstbewusstsein anzugehen und den Mann fürs Leben zu finden, der dich dauerhaft lieben und respektieren wird.“
German Rules Support Group:

Mary Wumths, Ruleville, USA
Certified Rules Coach, Happily Married thanks to Shellen and Bree Parker!
Instagram: wumthsrulescoach
Twitter: wumths
“I met Mr. Right 5 months after completing the Rebuilding Your Confidence Course from Sherrie Schneider and Ellen Fein. I highly recommend Shellen’s classes to get on the fast track towards marrying Mr Right! The classes were the BEST money I ever spent on myself now that I have an adoring Rules-y husband who treats me like a princess. Feel free to contact me if you need a Rules Coach for waiting until marriage to have sex which is what I believe in and did.”

Angela, England, IT Professional, Single, and Dating
“As a chronic rule breaker, I did not have a clue how to date. The Rules way is so much easier and fun. I’ve dated some lovely men who have treated me well. I was the girl who got walked on, now I’m the girl who gets flowers.”

Maggie Belle, Northern California & Mexico
Certified Rules Dating Coach, In a Rules Relationship

“When I discovered The Rules I had a profound “aha” moment and I knew that this was the secret to dating that I’d been looking for. There are subtle nuances to doing The Rules correctly and I can guide you with both theory and practical learning tools that will help you be a totally transformed man magnet! I look forward to hearing from you.”

Jen Manzella, MA, in a Rules relationship
Engineering Intern, Biomedical Engineering student, model and Rules Coach
“Do you crave more in your relationship but fall short of your desires? My focuses are women who struggle with self-control or the impulse to break rules and women in their 20s. During consults, I follow the coaching structure to help you understand why TR works and how to apply them long term until they become automatic.”

Natasha Beauchamp, New York, NY
Certified Rules Dating Coach, Single and Dating 
“I believe The Rules are about dating with dignity, boundaries, and self-respect. Making decisions alone can be difficult when it comes to love. I’ll be your voice of reason to help you through it.”

Sharon De Jesus, NYC, Bilingual – Spanish
Psychiatric nurse and coach, married
“I successfully use and continue to use TR with my husband. I’m a Nurse Practitioner with a private practice in NYC. I have always been fascinated by relationships; and why some work and others don’t. Bottomline…..TR works, on so many levels.”

Stacey Patricia, UK, Engaged
“The Rules have completely changed my life. After years of Mr. Wrongs, I have now found and am happily engaged to my Mr Right thanks to following TR from the day he met me! Through my coaching, I will help you find your Mr Right, get the ring, and teach you how to be an all-around CUAO for the rest of your life. Massive thanks to Ellen & Sherrie for sharing TR!”

Jane Louise, UK, Engaged,
“I decided to take TR Dating course to help other women. What I got in return was personal advice and motivational encouragement from Sherrie and Ellen about how we get a guy to commit and “seal the deal.” Thanks to Sherrie and Ellen, I’m now happily engaged to my Mr Right. Dating can be tough but I’m here to help Rules Girls to keep the faith – even when things are slow. Mr Right is out there for you too!”

Ana K., Europe
Self-employed, single, happily dating
Available on weekends for consultations in Dutch, Spanish & English.
“The Rules changed my life! They helped me date with confidence, weeding out Mr. Wrongs and creating the mind-set to attract Mr. Right. I can help you with all your dating & relationship questions and learn how to live the rulesy way.”

Alicia R., NYC and NJ
“What I love most about The Rules is how it teaches you to date with your eyes wide open. You can tell quickly whether a man is truly interested or just a time-waster. You learn to set healthy boundaries and gain confidence and peace of mind! Everyone from beginners to seasoned CUAOs are welcome to contact me. I will help you with all your questions.”

Dr. Marilee Garfield, White Plains, NY

Doctor of Social Work, LCSW (licensed psychotherapist in NY State), widowed, mother, engaged. Available anytime via e-mail, phone, face to face and in group sessions in my White Plains office.

(914) 368-8585.
“The Rules are the ultimate self-esteem guide for women. Being personally trained by Ellen and Sherrie was the thrill of a lifetime. The Rules have clear, absolute answers to any romantic/life dilemma. Let me help you win the heart of Mr. Right or transform a relationship you are currently in that is going nowhere. Distancer/Pursuer relationships are my specialty, as I know for certain only one person in a relationship needs to change for the entire dynamic to change.”

Darianna Andujar, NYC, Bilingual-Spanish, B.A Psychology,
“Relationships, Fashion, & Beauty have always been my passion. As a TR Coach, I will help you date with more confidence and boundaries. I enjoy guiding women
to improve their image with fashion and beauty tips and implement TR in their relationships.”

Céline Sauvet, blissfully married(2008!), mother of 2, based in Beaumont, Texas, USA; working worldwide.
1st French-Speaking Certified Rules Dating and Relationship Coach, Certified Matchmaker, Ordained Interfaith Minister (weddings/handfastings/vow renewals and rites of passage).
Languages: French and English.
Online coaching, consulting, mentoring, and energy sessions.
Available locally, nationally and internationally for workshops, conferences, seminars, retreats, events.
Business card (add me to your contacts in a few clicks):
“The Rules have helped me truly know, love and assert myself, date with boundaries, and find my darling husband! Let me help you do the same !”

Fabia Maserati, Bologna, Italy, export sales manager,
“Thanks to Ellen and Sherrie and The Rules, I am now a very happy wife with four beautiful children! The Rules has completely changed in a more positive and healthy way all my relationships, not only with my husband, but with everyone.”

Dr. Casandra “Coach Cass” Henriquez, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Life Coach for Successful Single Women, Happily Married
E-mail & phone consultations
“Have you been successful in everything but relationships? Then I’m the coach for you! I will lead you through a step by step process to get the results you want. I’m so happy that I was able to personally train with Ellen and Sherrie! I have a Rules Relationship and will help you find your true love and have fun while doing it! Get ready for an eye-opening experience. I look forward to working with you.”

Dr. Dina Sgambati-Klus, Chiropractor and Coach, Hoboken, NJ

Happily married 15 years, Mom of 2
“Successful at work, but not in relationships? Years spent with a Buyer Beware? Together we can apply The Rules to your dating life, position yourself to be pursued and “Capture the Heart of Mr. Right”. All this WITHOUT even trying to “make things happen.”

Tatiana Rad, Cambridge, UK

Available on weekends for consultations and support in English, Greek, Serbian and Italian language.
“The Rules have helped many women all over the world to overcome troublesome relationships to achieve happiness and have amazing husbands. Grateful to Ellen and Sherrie.”

Maria A., Geneva, Switzerland

Math teacher, dating, fluent in English, French, Russian relationships.
“The Rules is my guide to femininity and a healthy relationship. I will help you analyze your situation and find a solution. You can count on me to go the extra mile to help you find your soul mate! “

Timea, Geneva, Switzerland

Accountant, dating, fluent in English, French, German and Hungarian. Contact me about weekly support group meetings.
“Studying The Rules changed profoundly not only my dating life, but all other aspects of my life as well. Let me help you find your own Mr. Right and do The Rules from date zero to your wedding day!”

Marion O., Germany
Married, Fluent in German and English
“Ich zeige dir wie der richtige Mann dich erobert.”
“I will show you how to catch Mr. Right.”

Anita S, Lancashire, UK

Rules Coach, Beauty Therapist

“Guys are definitely not like us girls! Girls need rules (boundaries) so we don’t get hurt. Ellen and Sherrie have given me insights into how to have a wonderful relationship. Please contact me so I can pass this tried and true way of dating onto you!”

Ana M., Dating and Relationship Coach, London Cambridge UK

Married, fluent in English and Russian

“Having been asked by friends to help them out with relationship troubles, I came across The Rules and realized it had the answers. Having being coached by Ellen and Sherrie, I am passionate about helping girls to rediscover love and avoid unnecessary heartache. I can help you develop your own strategy on how to meet and get married to the man of your dreams!”

Linda Borovtsova, Dating & Image Coach, Psychologist, Russia
Mother, divorced and happily dating. Skype consultations in English and Russian
“If you’d like to be more confident, loved and happy just do The Rules ASAP and find your own style! Don’t waste time! Thanks to E&S and TR for changes in my life! I help women date with confidence and change their life with best style for relationships and job they deserve”

Tanja, Switzerland
Consultations in German, French, English, Swedish and Spanish.
Website: —> direct link to coaching sales page:
“The Rules have made my life so much easier and enjoyable. I hope every woman can learn them and experience being truly treasured and well treated by men.”

Daira, Life/Dating & Relationship Coach and Personal Trainer, Florida

“The Rules transformed my life, helping me to create opportunities; increase my confidence, power, and self-discipline; and establish boundaries with men. Having been coached by Ellen and Sherrie, I can help you apply The Rules, so you can transform your life too!”

Natalia Stepina, Moscow, Russia (Fluent in Russian)

Top corporate executive, divorced with 2 grown up kids, dating

“The Rules helped me assess my mistakes in the past, opened a new perspective for the future, and made my life much more easy going, full and happy. And that’s definitely because I am CUAO!”

Iro Rosario, Germany/Dominican Republic

Life, Dating and Relationship Coach, Matchmaker, Private business consultant
Mother, Widow and Engaged by TR
E-mail, in person, phone & video conference consultations in English and Spanish

“Assuming The Rules as a life philosophy for 10+ years helped me be in great relationships and move on in time. Let me help you achieve your marriage dreams or find the balance between you career and private life using TR.”

Charlotte L. Cressey, MA Women’s Spirituality
“Fascinatingly Feminine Dating” Orange County, CA
Femininity Specialist and Coach
Consultations and Courses
“Ladies, embodying feminine energy, letting men lead, and getting busy with our own lives is the best way to live!  Unfortunately, most of us are raised to do the opposite; we work too hard to “get the guy” and tire ourselves out on the dating treadmill or with going-nowhere relationships.  This is why we need The Rules and to invest time to learn what it truly means to lead a Fascinatingly Feminine life.  It is time to put yourself and your own goals first.  No more being an extra in the movie of your life. You’re the star.”

Amelia McMillan, UK


“I have used TR for 15 years and I am happily married with a beautiful daughter. TR helped me wait for Mr. Right and never waste time with Mr. Wrong.”

Dr. Sandy Matthews, Florida

Ph.D., Psychologist/Life Coach, (Very Happily) Married (Skype, Phone, E-mail)

“I am in my second successful Rules Marriage (the first lasted 32 years until he died). I have trained with E&S in person and online since 1996. TR are not just about getting married, but dating with boundaries and self-esteem. I love helping women find love and the marriage of their dreams!”

Miyuki, Boston, MA

Ph.D. in history, speaks English and Japanese

“Without The Rules, I would never be this happily married! I would like to share this wonderful experience with you.”

Diane. T, Paris, France

Writer, single

“The Rules is for me beyond a book about relationships; it’s a way of life for every modern woman who wants to succeed in her career and her private life! Yes, we can have it all!”

Teresa, Minneapolis, MN

Trend Manager, Single

“The Rules is hands-down the best dating advice for women out there! Let me help you apply it to your life and help you end up with the man of your dreams!”

Mariam Sheriff Osman, Cairo, Egypt

Senior accountant, married
“The Rules have helped me to move on, to understand who loves me and who doesn’t really care, to not waste my time and finally to marry Mr. Right.”

Michelle Goh, Singapore

Happily Married & Mother of 1
“I can help you be a Date Unlike Any Other to get your Mr. Right.”

Annabelle, London, UK

Consultant/Rules Dating Coach/Dance teacher, happily dating consultation available in English and French

“Thanks to The Rules you will stop spending numerous hours wondering why he didn’t call! Instead you will be too busy dating men who love you and treat you like a princess and will eventually find your Mr. Right!”

Suze M., Tampa, FL

Military, divorced
“The Rules have helped me date with confidence and put past dating experiences behind me.”

Monique B., Baltimore-DC metro area

Single, happily dating
“My former co-worker did The Rules and is now happily married! The Rules works!”

Gina W, Iowa

Dating & relationship consultant, happily dating

“I am now a happily dating Rules Girl and enjoying imparting this knowledge to other women with disabilities so that they can be empowered as well!”

Justine Kuriyama-Walls, Tokyo, Japan

Relationship consultant, matchmaker, married, speaks English and Japanese Available every day, 11am-8pm

“The Rules have put the lights on the gray areas in relationships to help us get what we want.”

Erika, NYC

Coach, happily married and mother.

“TR became a part of my life. He proposed me in 3 months and we got married in 7. I got everything TR promised…a devoted Rules husband, amazing father and happy marriage. Our love grows each day… “

Martine Bernard, Boston, MA

Hairstylist, single Available evenings and weekends

“The Rules has helped me look at and understand my past dating mistakes. The more boundaries I set with men, the better my life gets. TR helps women make wiser decisions, cherish themselves, and create happy relationships and marriages.”

Marla Bishop, London, England

Dating coach, married, Available anytime.

“Still celebrating our millennium wedding, thanks to The Rules.”

Angelique Broers, Europe

A conscious lifestyle coach

“The Rules do work, this is a fact! If you really want to find the man of your life, act now!”

Debbie C., San Diego, CA

Teacher, available evenings and weekends.

“The Rules have helped me set boundaries, date successfully, and eventually marry Mr. Right!”

Katrina Masi, Sydney, Australia

Community services, married.

“Doing The Rules on the man of my dreams resulted in a proposal in under a year. I know exactly how he feels about me, never doubt his love and live a very happy life. No more crying and heartache over men.”

Ellen C., New York City and Long Island

Social worker, single, dating Available 9 am – 10 pm (212) 613-5455

“In helping women to do The Rules, you see how The Rules empower women and how men pursue them and propose.”

Diana D., Miami, FL

Masters in mental health, social worker, single

“I do not dwell as much as I used to on past relationships. I just say ‘It didn’t work out, next!’ The Rules success stories really inspire me to be more Rules-y so that my future husband finds me.”

Dagmar G., Graz, Austria
Married Preferred availability: 2-10 p.m.
“I used to blame myself for being too shy to talk to a man first and considered myself ‘weak’ when I could not ‘fight’ for a man. Now that I know The Rules, I am glad that this was wrong and that it is the other way around… man must pursue woman.”

Dr. Diane Garfinkle, Great Neck, NY

Psychologist, married Available 7 days a week before 9 pm for in-person consultations (516) 225-2297

“I got married with the help of The Rules and as a psychologist now help other women get married. The Rules puts into words what women instinctively knew from the beginning of time, but this generation got confused about.”

Sarah Keast, Sydney, Australia

Management consultant (mining), married

“Happily married and still practicing The Rules! The Rules has saved me time and emotional energy. It gives me the strength to be happy with who I am.”

Monica V, Seattle, WA

Homemaker, married Available by appointment

“By following The Rules, you spend the time, energy and attention that you used to spend on men, on yourself. This can transform your life!”

Rachel M., Seattle, WA

Attorney, divorced Availability evenings and weekends

“The Rules taught me how to be disciplined enough to meet quality men, recognize ‘the one,’ wait for commitment, find true romance in a relationship, and say ‘next’ when it’s necessary to move on.”

Katherine McCord, New York City

Yoga and pilates teacher, dating Available 7am-9pm,

“The Rules improved my self-esteem and ability to enforce boundaries.”

Anne M., Scottsdale, AZ

Consultant, single, dating Available evenings and weekends and by appointment during the day.

“Learning to set boundaries and spending time only with those who want to be with me!”

Karina Dufty, New Jersey

Logistics analyst, married Available anytime.

“The Rules helped me date with self-esteem and marry my husband.”

Dr. Linda C. Fernandez, New York City

Psychologist, divorced, dating Available Mon-Thurs 12pm-2pm,
“I learned that love is easy when you do The Rules because you are not trying to make someone love you and you are really taking very good care of yourself at the same time which is very attractive to men.”

Eileen Clark, Michigan
“I am a Rules Girl and I do The Rules because it makes me a stronger
person. I feel more balanced and effective. Also when it comes to
men, I am a lot more confident and I don’t just settle anymore.”

Olivia Thomas
self-employed, remarried.
“I am married. The Rules work!”



“The Rules has totally changed my life. I am very happy now!”

Ai, Japan
CEO of Baby Run, married
“I’ve been married more than 10 years and it’s getting better and better. Now with 2 children, my husband and I are running our business together. A good marriage doesn’t hold you back, your life blooms fully when your husband is Mr. Right!”

Momo, Japan
Assistant to president, engaged

“When I met my fiancé, I decided to follow The Rules because he is the man of my dreams. I want to share this great experience with many others.”

Kaori, Saitama, Japan


“I am good at finding out what your charming points are and helping you use these traits to be a perfect Rules Girl!”

Kayako, Tokyo, Japan


“I got married using The Rules a year ago! My boyfriend lived in Osaka and moved to my area to marry me.”

Chika, Tokyo, Japan


“I have learned not to chase anyone, but to be a CUAO and be treated well in my life. I am happily married now.”

Naoko Kikuchi, Fukuoka, Japan


“I have been living as a Rules Girl. I enjoy this life and don’t know why you are not!”

Miwa, Tokyo, Japan


“Before I learned The Rules, I was doing the opposite! I wasn’t satisfied with my love life and I got divorced. Now I am married. The Rules totally changed my life!”

Mari, Tokyo, Japan


“Since I have learned The Rules, dating men is much easier. I hope to be happily married and help other women do The Rules as well.”

Rika, Tokyo, Japan


“I learned The Rules and now know why nothing worked before. I am in a great relationship today!”

Suzu Saito, Tokyo, Japan
Office worker, married
“The Rules has improved my life dramatically. I would like to share The Rules with women who are looking for Mr. Right!”

Satoko Kimura, Fukuoka, Japan

University Adjunct Lecturer in Psychology, single      and
“The Rules lead you to a happy life! Every woman who does TR is loved and cared for by her husband and his family.”

Yukko,Tokyo, Japan

“I have learned to be treated valuably from The Rules. So many more men have been interested in me now in my 30s than in my 20s when I didn’t know The Rules. Everyone, even women, treat me better. Every weekend I date other men. I never thought this would happen to me!”

Happy Rupapa, Japan

Assistant professor, married.

“Before The Rules, my relationships didn’t work very well. Then I applied TR on my new boyfriend and after only five months of dating, he proposed to me and now I am enjoying my happy married life.”

Megumi Sagioka, Osaka, Japan


“I learned that having self-confidence and being a CUAO is one of the greatest traits to attract a man! The Rules is not only the way to be loved by the right man, but to better know ourselves. I hope to use The Rules to help girls become happier!”

Sophia, Osaka, Japan


“The Rules taught me to be independent, treat myself well, and have a great relationship with my husband!”