Success Stories

I found Prince Charming by following The Rules and so can you! I rarely called him or met him halfway. He loved the chase.
Without knowing The Rules, I would never be happily married as such. I sincerely appreciate The Rules.”—Miyuki, married 2011
Jag, married 2008
The Rules helped me keep things real and avoid time-wasters, so that I weeded out everyone except the man who really, really loves me.
After doing The Rules and learning to date with self-esteem and confidence, I met and married the man of my dreams. The Rules work!
Debbie C., married 2001
“Following TR helped me set boundaries with men, date successfully, and eventually marry Mr. Right! TR really pay off when you are married, too. I highly recommend TR!
Leelo-Dianne, married 2003
The Rules work great with an ex-military man because they ‘get’ the discipline thing.
Girls, there is someone perfect for you out there and you just need to decide not to waste your time!
Elaine J., married 2005
“I never would have married such an amazing, intelligent and handsome man if it were not for The Rules. Thank heaven for you!” The photo was taken the day my husband proposed to me.
Celine, married 2008
“TR helped me to have boundaries and to be more independent; the result is the man who loves you has to pursue you, and it is wonderful.
Joy, married 2005
“Tobias and I were married after 2 years of practicing The Rules during a long distance relationship between England and New York. We married in his home country of Germany in 2005 and our marriage is very balanced because I followed The Rules to the letter.
Akiko, Rules Dating Coach, Married June 26th 2009!" title="Akiko, Rules Dating Coach, Married June 26th 2009!
Amanda married Brian in August, 2006
“During high school and college, I had no clue about The Rules. I was overweight and took little care of my cosmetics. Whatever man was interested me, I constantly called him and spilled my life story to get close. Then I read The Rules and realized what I had been doing wrong. When Brian asked me out, I didn not return his phone calls and waited for him. I did not tell him my life story and spill my guts right away. I acted honest but mysterious. Brian proposed one year later.
Andrea, married October, 2008
“After reading The Rules it became second nature and then I met Mr. Right, everything just fell into place, just like the book said it would.
The Rules work for gay men as well...I was a Rules Boy and am now married.
Sylvia, married 2007
“Before I read The Rules I always chose the wrong men who were not really interested in me. So they left me and I was always hurt. I came across The Rules when I was 38 years old and I started to be a Rules Girl. Now I am married happily for nearly 2 years with a wonderful man. I stick to The Rules and he asks me nearly every day if I would marry him again!
Randi M., married 2005
“My husband answered my ad on JDate and we have a baby boy.
K, married June 2010
“ With the help of a Rules dating coach, I was proposed to after one year of dating. I never dreamed I would get this happiness!
Abbe L., married July 2008
“Thanks to The Rules, my husband who is 14 years younger pursued me, a divorced mom with 3 boys, with an unstoppable passion to win his prize.
Caroline D., married 2002
The Rules transformed me from the girl you date to the girl you marry. Everything happened for me just as you promised in the book!
Kristen L., married December 2011
“The Rules work like magic and make romance fun!

Dear married Rules Girls everywhere,

We have received so many wedding invitations and photos from our clients over the years that we decided to create a Rules Wedding Album right here to inspire single women to do The Rules! If you are interested in being a part of this album, please e-mail us your wedding photo (with or without your husband), a short quote about how The Rules helped you land Mr. Right, and what year you tied the knot. You can include your name(s) or send your submission anonymously. If you have already sent us a photo, please resend the photo indicating your permission to post it on our website along with the additional requested information.

Thank you and all the best,